We're here for you
We create everyday opportunities for gifted and twice-exceptional children, and their families, to connect and feel supported.
We help families to thrive and for gifted kids to belong in their community.
Events and activities
Join us for events and activities to help kids meet like-minded peers.
Supporting families of gifted and
twice-exceptional children across Victoria
twice-exceptional children across Victoria
Join our network
Become a member and get peer support for families. We meet for coffee mornings, family dinners and online catch-ups. There are a range of benefits for becoming a member, find out more here.
Typical traits of giftedness
Rapid learning rate
Excellent memory
Early attainment of developmental milestones
Early and extensive vocabulary
Long attention span when interested or challenged
Highly developed curiosity
Divergent thinking
Highly creative
Vivid imagination
Unusual sense of humour
Emotional intensity and sensitivity
High activity level
Decreased need for sleep
Strong sense of justice
Preference for older aged companions
You'll find more detailed information on the traits of giftedness here.
What does twice-exceptional mean?
Many gifted people also have some form of disability. This may be a physical or sensory disability, or a form of neurodivergence, like ADHD or autism.
This is called being twice-exceptional, or 2e.
Many people who are twice-exceptional need additional support, especially in education settings.
Visit our 2e Corner for a range of articles on twice-exceptionality.